My summary of Havana, Cuba
3 min readJan 18, 2017
- Visa officers wearing fishnets
- My dad heroically stepping on a spider at the airport (ended up being hair)
- White guy explaining that the luggage is most likely slow because the governmental structure doesn’t promote competition.
- Cab driver hitting 3 people on the street while conversing trees with my father.
- Stopping and asking directions from a guy with a prison tattoo of a full chested anime girl
- Getting to restaurant, getting seated, given a menu and then when we order being told they aren’t serving food today but they were still opened and still seating confused people
- A one eyed cat who slid behind a table and watched as people danced
- Having a chubby man scream “no teekeh” then lighting a cigarette after standing in line for over an hour.
- Cab driver who, with no warning, opens my door to his 50s Cadillac while on the highway driving 70 mph. When he shut the door the handle breaks off in his hands. He throws it in the passenger seat.
- Tipping a lady 50 cents for flushing my toilet
- Seeing a pantsless boy on the countryside running with a puppy squished to his chest
- Talking with the older woman with a mustache buying loads of orange juice
- Seeing an albino puppy scare himself with his reflection in the mirror.
- Going down a narrow road in Vinalés and hearing ominous oinking coming from the forest
- “Tenga Patiencia” (Have patience) being the answer to many questions.
Day 3
- There being such a thick layer of God on the mountains that the trees sticking out over the top looked like little islands.
- Constantly seeing dogs on the roof ?
- A crowd of people around two dogs stuck to each other at the butt.
Day 4
- Old legless man diligently petting a dog saying “I like cats I don’t like dogs”
- Putting on little kids toy soldier hats to ride a motorcycle
- Watching an old man go to the city plaza and flex non stop. He wasn’t accepting tips.
- Watching a couple having a date near a Lenin statue.
- Getting ticketed from a little girl and boy with a notepad. She wrote out the ticket and had us sign. When we were done we gave her 10 cents and she ran down the street screaming “mama! pesos!”
- Passing a cardboard sign on a telephone pole that pointed to a bushy area and cryptically read “aqui”
- Passing a power plant that reeked of gasoline and having my dad take a huge whiff and say “smells like papaya”.
The end.
More pictures @divalavida